Michael Myers’ legendarily terrifying mask in the original Halloween is actually an altered Captain Kirk mask that production designer and editor Lee Wallace bought for a couple of bucks at a random store on Hollywood Boulevard and it ended up being used in the movie. Shatner, who obviously played Kirk, told Jake Hamilton of the YouTube account “Jake’s Take” that he thought somebody was trying to trick him when he was first told that Myers was actually wearing a Shatner mask. “I don’t remember the exact moment but I thought, ‘Is that a joke? Are they kidding?’” Shatner said. While Shatner says he didn’t see Halloween during its original theatrical run, he has been aware of the fact that it’s a Captain Kirk mask for a long time. He even revealed back in 2009 that one year he went trick-or-treating with his daughters in a Michael Myers mask, which is a bit of life imitating art imitating life that will surely delight nerds everywhere. One thing that Shatner does get wrong is the notion that Myers is wearing a “white death mask” that was made for the original Star Trek series so that Shatner “wouldn’t have to be available for the prosthetics that they would put on my face to look old or evil.” The mask Michael Myers wears is actually just a standard Captain Kirk mask that people could wear on Halloween if they were willing to spend about two bucks. The production crew was able to create the infamous look by removing the eyebrows and sideburns, painting the face white, teasing out the hair, and reshaping the eyes with a pair of scissors.