The song the Beatles are recording here is “I’ve Got a Feeling,” but it’s pretty different than the version that ended up on the album. Yes, we can see Yoko sitting right next to John, while Paul kind of bosses everyone around. It’s raw, weird, and utterly beautiful. Some might say that obsession with Beatles outtakes and alternate versions of songs lionizes them unfairly, but the truth is, just hearing this version of “I’ve Got a Feeling” is freaking amazing. By the late ’60s, the Beatles weren’t performing live at all anymore and the “Get Back” project was their attempt to return to their roots as a band that simply played music together, rather than a group who created elaborate studio projects. (Which, by the way, is an album aesthetic the Beatles basically invented with Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, and Magical Mystery Tour.) What’s also great about this new clip from Get Back is that it doesn’t feel like grainy footage of something that happened a long time ago. The images are crisp, as though this happened yesterday or we’ve time-traveled to 1969. This new, unearthed footage of the Beatles isn’t just some random junk. It’s astounding, raw, and cool. The Beatles: Get Back hits Disney+ on November 25, 26, and 27, 2021