Of course, it’s important to recognize that this is a royal family, which means an outing for Charlotte isn’t the same as if we were to take our middle kid out for a whole day. William and Kate are technically working, but they’ve been bringing their kids to more work events lately, and it’s cute. As the parents have increased the public visibility of their kids over the past few months, we’ve gotten to see more of their unique personalities — and this time, the spotlight was on Charlotte. We know that the royal kids have rules they must follow when out with their working parents. Their outfits are carefully chosen, and they’re expected to be polite, smile, and shake hands. And while we understand the whole genetics thing, Charlotte looks surprisingly like her dad. And it’s not just in looks but in mannerisms too, which is seriously adorable. In one photo of Charlotte and her parents taken before they took their seats out in the stands, the 7-year-old royal sits on the couch with one parent on each side next to her. While listening to athletes speak about SportsAid House (Kate has been a charity Patron since 2013) and the Commonwealth Games, it’s obvious that Will’s genetics run strong. In the picture, we can see that Charlotte has nailed the “I’m engaged and listening” look — elbows on knees, slightly leaned forward, hands crossed — a look that her dad has mastered. It could just be genetics, or it could be proper royal training. They even have the same look on their faces, with their eyes locked on the speaker while keeping a relatively neutral face. It’s impossible not to see the similarities between dad and daughter, and it’s adorable. For the rest of the visit, Charlotte looked like she was having the best time watching the athletes compete and having her parents’ attention.