Children need to learn to wait for many things, and for many reasons. They’re asked to wait their turn to play with a toy. They’re challenged to hold their pee while other kids finish using the toilet. And they’re expected to wait to cross the road so they don’t get run over by a car. That last one is perhaps the biggest lesson parents need to impart: waiting in order to remain safe. To young children, the concepts of danger and potential death are abstract, and a parent needs to find ways to illustrate the importance of waiting at a crosswalk or other dangerous situation in a way the child can understand.

Teaching Toddlers to Wait is Important for Their Safety

Impulsivity can be dangerous, and young kids are still have a long road ahead as they pick up the nuances of impulse control. Especially if they are used to homes that have been childproofed or outdoor spaces where they have some freedom to roam, it can be an adjustment to stand at a corner and wait for a crosswalk to turn in their favor. “Where safety is a factor, it’s important to clearly, respectfully and consistently explain your age-appropriate expectations while waiting,” says Grace Bounds, preschool education coordinator of Portland, Oregon preschool Growing Seeds. You can say something like, ‘While we’re waiting to be able to cross safely, I expect you to stand away from the edge of the curb, and look both ways two times,’ Bounds says. From a practical standpoint, waiting sometimes gives our brains time to process all of the multisensory information needed to make a good — and safe — decision. For instance, in addition to looking both ways, parnets and kids use their ears to listen for traffic and their voices to communicate with each other about whether or not the coast is truly clear. For kids, waiting gives them the extra time they need to think through steps that can keep them safe.

Don’t Use Bribes To Teach Toddlers and Preschoolers to Wait

But parents shouldn’t resort to bribes. Praising patience can be effective in instilling confidence, but adding the expectation of a physical reward can create issues. Tempting a kid with the promise of a future cupcake if they’re quiet while you’re on the phone sets up a dangerous precedent, says Krista Wigstadt, assistant educational director of Brooklyn Explorers Academy in New York. “I always try to ask myself, ‘what type of adult do I want this child to become?’” Wigstadt explains. “Do I want them to be an adult that expects a reward for good behavior, or an adult that does the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do?” Being patient by modeling patience is also incredibly helpful for parents. A kid’s not going to be patient if their dad is constantly freaking out about being on a schedule or stressing out about holdups. Parents who want patient children need to model patience, pure and simple, and to explain that virtue to their child.

Make Learning How to Wait Fun

Waiting can also be a lot of fun. Time spent on a subway platform or in line at a grocery store can provide prime bonding moments and represents chances for parent and child to get a little goofy together. Sure it takes a bit of energy and can look silly. But is nagging your kid to chill out in public places while you try to scroll social media really a better look? “If you have a child who is having a hard time being patient while you wait for something, and if you’re able to, get active. Ask the child to jump 20 times, or better yet, to count how many times you two can jump together,” Wigstadt says. “If you are engaged with your child, it’s amazing how patient they can learn to be.” Parents can teach that waiting is its own reward since it opens the door to fun opportunities. Take, for example, waiting to play after cleaning up. At the end of the chore, the child can move on to another activity, and that is the reward. If there are friends involved, this reward also leverages the desire to help. That means that waiting time is filled constructively, with the expectation that once everything is done, the reward is that they can move on to play.