All of this misery did not simply disappear the moment the FDA signed off on a vaccine. Nor will it be over when vaccination numbers reach a particular threshold. And when examining the lasting damage wrought by COVID-19, as the Kaiser Health Network did, it quickly becomes clear that the burden of COVID is still felt keenly by families and kids.

46,000 Kids Have Lost Parents

the estimated 46,000 childrenNBC News reports The financial hit of losing a parent is also hard and not just because two-income households suddenly become one-income households. Kids lose insurance that their now-deceased parent had through their job. And many are also unaware that they’re eligible for Social Security survivor benefits—because the onus is on the grieving family and not the government to make sure that money gets to where it belongs.

Life Expectancy Has Fallen At a Rate Not Seen Since World War II

symptoms522,368 more Americans died

Poverty, and Inequality, Has Grown in the Pandemic

an analysis from McKinsey & CoExpanded federal unemployment benefitsforce people back into jobs that pay poverty wages

job losses were felt most acutely by womenaccording to the National Women’s Law Center

We Need to Do More to Help Families And Kids — But Where’s the Help?