A percentage loss in this category is expected, as many families are traveling and eating out less, but it is poignant nevertheless. Nevada and Vermont also saw a sharp decline in that industry, with a -15.62 percentage loss and -8.52 loss, respectively. And Nevada, the home of Las Vegas, is particularly hard hit, with a Real GDP loss of -42.2% between the quarters, tied for the worst in the nation. But what does this all mean nationally? The data shows that the U.S. GDP from the Accommodation & Food sector dropped by 4.38%. Equally troubling, especially during a pandemic, is that 18 states saw a loss in GDP for the Healthcare & Social Assistance industries. Tennessee experienced the biggest loss in this sector, with a -6.25 percent change, and also a Real GDP loss of -40.4%. Rhode Island and Montana followed, experiencing a -5.73 and -5.67 percent loss, respectively. In other industries, New Mexico showed the biggest GDP loss in the Mining, Quarrying & Oil / Gas Extraction sector. Overall, the data is quite troubling, and it likely will not be improving soon, as many states still surge with COVID cases and a stimulus package that could help ease the pain of many of these industries stalled by partisan infighting.