“Parents need some help these days, kids could use some, too,” cast members sing in last Saturday’s sketch, which they claim is a public service announcement. “So given the special circumstance, we’d like to introduce a special rule: Let kids drink.” The video, which starts with a black-and-white montage of parents and kids pleading for help, then cuts to kids downing bottles of “booze” from wine to beer to martinis. “If they got a little buzz on, would it really be that bad?” the SNL cast croons to a shot of a little girl passed out by some empty liquor bottles. “They’ll be happier and funnier and they’ll fall asleep by six.” Parents (a.k.a cast members) justify the new rule by explaining that adults used to give kids whiskey to help them fall asleep and that French parents give their kids wine—so a White Claw before bed is just “a babysitter on the cheap.” And parents aren’t the only ones who think giving kids booze is a good idea. The clip moves on to show a chorus of kids supporting it, too. “Let us drink, it’s really only fair,” they sing, “Just like our parents always say, it’s many o’clock somewhere.” The kids and parents are then joined by Josh Gad—the voice of Frozen’s Olaf—who gives Disney’s (fake) stamp of approval. “Here’s a bedtime story,” the animated snowman says, “It’s vodka soda lime.” After a few more shots of kids and parents cheers-ing each other (and even some dogs getting in on the action), the video ends with this hilarious reminder: “Children are the future and right now the future stinks.”