In The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 3 — “Power Broker” — there were a lot of twists and turns. Bucky broke Zemo out of prison. The end of the episode revealed that Ayo (Florence Kasumba), from Wakanda, was tailing Bucky and Sam and ready to take out Zemo. And, we were also reunited with Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp) who we last saw helping out Cap, Bucky, and Sam back in Captain America: Civil War. At this point though, Sharon isn’t a government agent, and is instead, a kind of low-level art smuggler living in Madripoor. But is she? As several pundits and fans have been wondering, it seems very possible that Sharon herself is actually the Power Broker. To be clear, this is not a real spoiler (not yet). It’s just a bunch of educated guesses from people following along with the drama of the latest Marvel show. Again, because WandaVision sort of made everyone’s theories pointless and silly, it’s dangerous to get too excited about these kinds of plot twists before they happen. And yet. It all fits. Why does Sharon know where the super-serum lab guy lives? Because she deals stolen art? The ending of the episode, in which Sharon tells her assistant that they have new “problems,” could indicate she’s personally impacted by the destruction of the serum. If Sharon is the Power Broker, she could have a vested interest in getting that serum back. Now, does all of this make Sharon evil? Maybe not. After being basically banished from the US, it’s possible Sharon saw an opportunity to regulate crime in Madripoor by well…taking it over. In Sharon’s head, maybe being the Power Broker allows her to control the criminal syndicates rather than obliterate them entirely. Again, this is just a theory, but it all matches up when you think about it. That said if Sharon is the Power Broker, how will Sam and Bucky react? Will they freak out? Could Falcon and Winter Soldier push everyone closer to another Civil War? If Sam and Bucky have to choose between siding with John Walker or Sharon, they’ll probably choose Sharon. But if Sharon is secretly the Power Broker, things might get dicey. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier airs new episodes on Disney+ Fridays. There are three weeks left of new episodes.